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Disney’s Top 5 Villains

Disney’s Top 5 Villains


@jointhecovn my villian arch is next please #disneyvillains #100yearsofdisney #ursula #mothergothel #scar #lionking #disneytop10 ♬ Poor Unfortunate Souls (From "The Little Mermaid") - Geek Music


With Disney recently celebrating their 100th birthday, we wanted to take a look at the best (or should I say worst) of their villains. 


5. Mother Gothel

Look, I get it, we all want to be eternally young and beautiful forever, but does that really mean you have to steal a baby? Gothel from Tangled does get extra points for having a great song with “Mother Knows Best”, but how good of a villain can she really be - I mean, her whole plan would have worked if she simply told Rapunzel her birthday was a different day. 

4. Ursula 

An evil sea witch with seeminly hundreds of tentacles and a desire to take advantage? Ursula’s desire for power and revenge are truly bitter. Her larger-than-life personality and keen talents at bewitching her prey made her a nearly unstoppable foe for Ariel, Eric and King Triton. The fact that used her brother's children to make him suffer just shows how completely depraved she really was.

3. Gaston

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast is not the most dangerous villain - he doesn’t have any magical powers or cruel contracts. What makes Gaston scary is that he could be so real - he’s literally the worst type of man. Self-absorbed, only interested in Belle for her looks, insanely jealous, and a downright bully, no one sucks quite like Gaston. (Also Gaston walked so Hans from Frozen could run, just saying).

2. Cruella De Vil

The woman literally wants to kill puppies. That automatically places her high up on the list. Her only redeeming quality in our opinion is her obsession with high end fashion. Her tragic backstory is explored in the live action version, and whilst this may make us like her a bit more, you can’t get over the puppy thing. 

1. Scar

Disney villains are all brilliantly bad, but there’s none more iconic than Scar from the Lion King. Scar’s evil ways are theatrical and truly malicious. His murder of Mufasa was not only lowkey traumatic for all kids that watched it, but is still one of DIsney’s most memorable moments, even now almost 30 (Yes 30!!) years after The Lion King’s release. He took over a monarchy and brought it to the depths of lion hell. With a pretty underrated badguy song in “Be Prepared”, Scar truly is a masterpiece of a villain.

Further Reading:

25 Best Disney Villains Of All Time

Best Disney Villains

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