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Real Harry Potter fans know Nicholas Flamel. In the first book of the famous series he was credited for being the inventor of the philosopher’s (or sorcerer’s) stone- a stone that can grant immortality.
So the question is how much of Flamel’s story is made up by JK Rowling? It might surprise you that Nicholas Flamel in the Harry Potter series is a pretty accurate depiction of the real Nicholas Flamel.
Born in Pontoise, France around 1330, Flamel worked as a manuscript and scribe in Paris. He died in 1418.
Almost 200 Years after his death, stories of Nicholas Flamel began to appear. In 1612, the book translated into “Exposition Of The Hieroglyphical Figures” said how a Frenchman had mastered alchemy and created the philosopher’s stone. In doing so, he had secured immortality for himself and his wife, as well as generating massive amounts of wealth (the philosopher’s stone was said to turn lead into gold).
The story goes that Flamel became intrigued with alchemy after finding a book he could not read. He traveled to Spain in search of help with the translation and came across a Jewish convert to Christianity. This man said the book was called “The Book of Abramelin The Mage”. By learning how to read this book, Flamel was able to decode the secrets of the book and master alchemy.
With time, alleged sightings of Flamel grew (as well as his lore) with even Issac Newton discussing him in Theatrum Chemicum.
Only history knows the truth of Nicholas Flamel.
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