@jointhecovn Replying to @jess 🧛🏻♀️🧛🏾♂️🧛🏿 #vampirecosplay #vampirecostume #halloweencostume #halloweencostumeinspo #trueblood #dracula #twilight ♬ Halloween ・ cute horror song - PeriTune
After some cult classic recs to up your basic witch costume this year we decided to recommend some low effort high cult factor vampire halloween recs, because let’s be honest fake teeth and some red lipstick as blood is not going to cut it this year (at least without a cult nod)
Vampire Bella from Twilight
This is super low effort, items you’ll need are
-Plaid Shirt
-Light Wash skinny Jeans
-Medium Brown Wig
-Powder to make your skin pale
-optional toddler doll as your half vamp baby Reneseme
Bonus Points for making this a Couples Costume: Bella and Edward (Or Jacob and Edward…) from Twilight. Honestly anyone of the Cullen family makes a great costume.
For single guys: Please dress as Bella’s Dad, Charlie. You’ll thank me later
Honestly any vampire from True Blood…but if let’s pick Pam, a personal favorite, for this video.
If you do Fangtasia Pam you’ll need
-Blond hair with a hair bump as high as the heavens
-Fishnets and your your best BDSM leather corset
If you wanted to go the Bill/Sookie couples costume route you can easily do with a Merlotte's waitress unifrom of green apron and white baby tee, with black shorts. For guyts, it's easy: Bill’s classic long sleeve shirt and jeans.
For single guys: I recommend dressing as in classic Eric style, white t shirt, leather jacket, and dark skinny jeans.
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
You’ll need
-White spray paint for your hair/long white wig
-Red Silk Robe
-White Powder for your skin
Daywalker Vamp Blade
This costume is all about accessories (think matrix with a sword).
You’ll need
-Leather trench
-black goggles
-fake sword
-Black gloves
So, who are you going as for Halloween?
Sources / Further Reading